1. First impressions are always important. When you pull up to the back, DON'T stop 2 car lengths back from the line. Doing this just annoys us employees. Yes, its not that big of a deal, especially if its just one or two BUT when its 20 cars a day at least, it gets kinda old and frustrating. Every time someone does this, we have to move the car up to where it needs to be so we can vacuum it. The consequence for this could be, depending how frustrated we get or how many times it has happened prior for the day, a lack of an attempt on the vacuum.
2. This kinda goes along with the first one. When you pull the car up, PLEASE DON'T turn the car off. This gets really annoying. You're not saving enough gas to make it worth while. We turn the cars off before we send them down the line. All you do when you turn the car off, especially when you get an exterior wash, is waste our time. It's annoying when we have to get in a car, maybe pull it up, turn it back on move it into our prep bay, then turn it off.
3. Again, when you pull up to the back and get out of your car. Be POLITE! Don't be a inconsiderate jerk. Don't get out and start snapping at us when we haven't done anything to you. I can promise you, if you are a jerk right off the back, we will not take very good care of your car and you will most likely get charged extra fees depending on what kind of vehicle you drive. This one time, a customer came to the car wash when I was in the back selling and from the moment he got out of his car he was being a jerk. He just started demanding and saying how much we have sucked in the past. He also demanding that we vacuum his trunk. I told him that we would. We did but I also charged him the dollar trunk vacuum charge. The guy took his receipt and walked away, he came back like a minute later and asked me what the charge was for. I told him that we're supposed to charge for the trunk vacuum because we don't normally do them. He told me that it was ridiculous and he was never going to come back to our car wash. All I responded with was, "ok. Have a nice day sir." Finished vacuuming his car and sent it down the line. Normally I would never charge someone for a trunk vacuum, but he was being a jerk so he earned it. Another possible consequence of being a jerk to the people who vacuum your car is that they will "forget" to prep something before they send it down the line.
4. When your car is being dried off up in the front, DON'T go into the tunnel and start drying off your own car. Don't dry your own car off at all. Us employees do not appreciate this at all for a number of reasons. We all see this as an insult. We feel like you are saying that you don't like how we do our job and that we suck. Besides the insult, we all have our own routine for drying the cars and when you come up, grab one of our towels and start drying off your car, you mess us up. We lose track of what we have already dried off or done. It takes us longer to finish your car. Also, most people that do this tend to tip less which, in turn, makes us want to do a worse job on your car.
5. When we are done drying your car off in the front. You should never, come up to us and tell us that everything looks like crap. That we do a terrible job. This will just anger us and we WILL remember you the next time you come in and the next time you do come in we WILL get our revenge.
These are just the basic things that you should not do when you're at the car wash. It will always make your life and our lives easier and better if everyone follows these guidelines.
With polite greetings I want to say that this post is amazing!! Thanks American Carwash