Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Favorite" Quotes

So there is a wide variety of people that come to the car wash. Rich, not so rich, old, young, middle aged, college students, high school students, military people, asians, caucasian, african american, polish, indian, jew, catholic and so on and so forth. All these different people are all unique as you can imagine with the  way the talk and the things they say. Certain people say their own things but a lot of people say the same thing over and over. Here are a number of my "favorite" things that people say to me when I'm selling.

-(Me) "Hi, what kind I get for you?"
-(customer) "A wash"
-(Me) ".......ok"

- "Give me a wersh"

- "I just got back from (insert a state/city) and I got a lot of bugs on my car can you clean them off?"
(We remove bugs off cars automatically. No need to ask)

- "I have a lot of sand/dirt/mud/sticks in my trunk because.....(full story). Can you vaccuum it out?"

- "The exterior wash doesn't come with a vaccuum?" **(probably the best/most common)

This is only a start of the things that people will say to me. Some of these things drive me nuts others are just hilarious to me cause its so stupid. The last quote is a perfect example of something that drives me both nuts and cracks me up. Why people think an EXTERIOR wash comes with a vaccuum is beyond me. I mean, if it came with a vaccuum we wouldn't call it an exterior wash and charge $5.95 for it. People are so funny sometimes.

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